Wednesday, June 2, 2010

5 Rivers Boat Tour

The Robertson Clan celebrated memorial day by taking a boat tour of the Delta. It was absolutely stunning. I cannot believe that we do not take more advantage of such a beautiful and easily accessible resource. We saw all kinds of wildlife including these brown pelicans.

These Osprey actually made their nest on the water, very odd behavior for them! It turns out that the mated pair's nest actually fell out of a tree last year and floated to this same spot. The birds hatched their babies successfully last year, and chose to do the same in 2010. There were 3 hatchlings and mama in the nest when we went by. The guide told us that the female may not let the male enter the nest if he does not present her with food or something for the nest; being as I am pregnant I might take on this same philosophy with Robby.

Robby and I are definitely going to take the Kayaks up and spend a day in the delta very soon!

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