Wednesday, June 2, 2010

5 Rivers Boat Tour

The Robertson Clan celebrated memorial day by taking a boat tour of the Delta. It was absolutely stunning. I cannot believe that we do not take more advantage of such a beautiful and easily accessible resource. We saw all kinds of wildlife including these brown pelicans.

These Osprey actually made their nest on the water, very odd behavior for them! It turns out that the mated pair's nest actually fell out of a tree last year and floated to this same spot. The birds hatched their babies successfully last year, and chose to do the same in 2010. There were 3 hatchlings and mama in the nest when we went by. The guide told us that the female may not let the male enter the nest if he does not present her with food or something for the nest; being as I am pregnant I might take on this same philosophy with Robby.

Robby and I are definitely going to take the Kayaks up and spend a day in the delta very soon!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


When mom lost her hair, no one had a second thought about it. My mother is not defined by her hair, and for all of us that know her would have to be defined by anything so petty as an outward appearance. And although my husband would beg to differ, I believe I have held my emotions in check pretty well through the pregnancy so far. Yet the other night I balled crying like I have not done in years with the thought that my child will not see her hair.
I guess I am just scared that they will never picture her the way I do when random thoughts float by, that she will look differently in their dreams than mine. Or maybe its just my pregnancy hormones raging to no end.

The dreams have been the most entertaining aspect so far. Three dreams stick out in memory, and offer a good giggle when I think about them.
#1. My lady parts fall off and I have to carry them around. Um yeah....anyone know the number to a good psychiatrist?
#2. I could squeeze with belly with my hands, like you did when making your belly button talk...(oh-you know what I am talking about.) But in my case I could squeeze my baby into a position where you could see it perfectly- through my skin . And it had a head full of hair. What?? Again....I really need that number.
#3. I had the baby, it was a boy. But it looks just like my office manager, who is a girl. My friends Katie and Paige circumcised him with nail clippers, then I bandaged him up. Weirdest part was the reality of emotions, I LOVED him so stinking of those vivid dreams that haunt you for a day or two.

Please send help, or chocolate doughnuts as soon as possible.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Um, yeah. So the Robertson's are officially out of commission. Robby has developed a fun new hobby; sleep walking. During one of his 3am excursions he fell into the tub and fractured his collar bone. SERIOUSLY. And I totally ragged him about it too, telling everyone what a mess he is, and how clumsy he is, that is until I busted my butt dancing like a 17 year a front of EVERYONE...and fractured my wrist. I totally deserved it after making fun of hubbs all week...but dang!! OOOOwwwch!!!

So I have a working left hand and Robby has a working right hand. We are such a mess. He dresses me and I dress him. You should see how he fixes my hair....

Dear God,

Please have mercy on our unborn children and make them be boys. Their father does not have the skills to work with long hair. He does not even own a hair brush. I fear that a daughter will look like a misfit if I was ever unable to do her hair and left her with her father.


On further news...its Arts and Crafts Festival here in Fairhope. The 'rents are coming in town and I will try and take some pics to post next week!!

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

I hope no one pinches me today...I'm cranky when I hurt.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring has Sprung

Well, it is finally warming up! Thank goodness because, as I have been told by the real locals, this winter has been the coldest in decades. I can feel Spring heading our way; I feel more energized and excited for the year ahead. Although my jiggly MT (affectionate abbreviation for muffin top) has not seen the benefits of this spring revival, our house renovation sure has!! I will post a few pics later.

Like everyone else right now, $$ is tight so we are starting with small projects and those that offer rebate incentives. First I refurbished the old chandelier and I made some fun curtains in the dining room. Since we are planning on selling the house I am trying to leave the major parts of the house as neutral as possible, walls, floors, etc. and I am trying to bring fun colors and accents in places that are easily changeable. Just in case a buyer doesn't really mesh with my taste...but seriously...who would not LOVE my taste?? will never guess what color I painted the chandelier, hint: WAR EAGLE!!!

The second project was replacing the refrigerator which was not by choice. See Letter below:

Dear Skeezy Refrigerator Sales Man in Foley,

You lured me in with your killer prices and fancy talk of things like "warranty" and "stainless steel." And I fell for it and purchased a "stainless steel" fridge, only to bring it home and it never worked. To my dismay you replaced it with a white fridge that clashed with all the appliances and promised to bring a "stainless" one back....which was a year ago. And then it died. A slow and agonizing death, thank goodness I was able to salvage most of the goods. If my truffle oil had gone bad- your ass would be grass mister!!

A new owner of a GE Energy Star fridge

And so, the hubbs and I went to Home Depot and purchased our first appliance. We went in as a couple of kids and walked out as proud grown ups! Yupereee.

Sorry I don't have pics of the house stuff....but I will leave you with this:

This is Robby's Greek Chicken Pitas and Ah Ma Gah!!! Check them out at the website: they should be posted by next week.